Friday, September 18, 2009


Now a days just about every one have phone or a cell phone today people text picure mail and talk over phones that are so light that you forgit your phone was in your pants pocket. Blue Tooth is another cool way of talking to some one . what you do is to use ur blue tooth and hook it up to yor ophone wirelessly and u put ur phone in ur pocket and talk in to the blue tooth head set that is dangling off ur ear and the way u hear them talk is a speaker in the head set. oh and now a days u talk through ur car out off a mic in the stering wheel and hear through the car speakers.


  1. Really short and undeveloped!!! Please remember to proofread/spellcheck before you post...We are not texting here - use standard English

  2. The communications is nice.

    I like it

  3. I never heard of the mic in the car steering wheel that sounds cool.
